Project 7 of 7 - Aug 1, 2024 - Seattle, Washington, USA

Lower-Carbon Concrete


Industrial Materials

By Laura Bowen

In collaboration with the Center for Green Market Activation and RMI, The Climate Pledge is aiming to aggregate demand for lower-carbon concrete across buyers, incentivizing the development of lower-carbon concrete technologies at scale.
Cement and concrete production make up 8% of global emissions but it’s a tough industry to crack when it comes to curbing carbon dioxide. That’s why this project incentivizes developing new technologies and scaling productions through a buyers alliance of companies that enables companies to better track the environmental benefits of materials such as concrete.

Join this project

Companies working in construction, land and property development, energy and power generation, and transportation and logistics, and any companies who report emissions from cement and concrete are encouraged to join.

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Access PDF of project overview background, goals, expected results, list of committed companies, and information on how to join.