Poste Italiane

Poste Italiane

Join date

Jun 20, 2023

Over recent years, Poste Italiane has embarked on an important sustainability path, with a view to turning market challenges into opportunities for the creation of shared value for the benefit of Italy's economic growth. The Company has drawn up an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) plan, including all the Company’s specific quantitative and qualitative sustainability goals with the aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The ESG plan forms an integral part of the 2024 Sustain & Innovate (24SI) Business Plan and is based on eight pillars that coincide with the ESG aspects relevant to the Group: Integrity and Transparency; People Development; Diversity and Inclusion; Creating value for the Country; Customer Experience; Innovation; Green Transition; Sustainable Finance.

Visit Poste Italiane

The information on this page was provided by Poste Italiane on July 6, 2023

  • Industry

    Transportation services

  • Sub-industry

    Transportation services

  • Region

    Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Company headquarters


The information on this page was provided by Poste Italiane on July 6, 2023