Ontime Logística Integral

Ontime Logística Integral

Join date

May 16, 2023

Ontime is one of the main Integral Logistics Operators in Iberia. It is specialized in big corporations. Its portfolio of services is divided into P&P (Parcel & Pallet) with XS, XP, XL and ADR Services; Full Loads and Dedicated Services; Industrial Logistics, consumer goods, Pharma and APQ; Messaging of the Future, with sustainable urban distribution, digital messaging and ECommerce; and Auxiliary Services specialized in building management, post offices, post office and moving services.
The company has the largest fleet of vehicles on the market, more than 5,800 employees and 70 own delegations distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), islands and Morocco. Ontime has its own distribution network integrated by more than 250 collaborating centers.
Its purpose is to provide everyone with a comprehensive solution to their logistics needs in a sustainable way. The mission is to be a reference partner, both for the sector and for society.

Visit Ontime Logística Integral

The information on this page was provided by Ontime Logística Integral on June 27, 2023

  • Industry

    Transportation services

  • Sub-industry

    Road transport

  • Region

    Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Company headquarters


The information on this page was provided by Ontime Logística Integral on June 27, 2023