NIC Services Group Ltd

NIC Services Group Ltd

Join date

Jul 19, 2023

NIC is a privately owned, leading provider of soft Facilities Management services across the UK and Ireland. Their portfolio encompasses a wide range of sectors across Transport, Education, Leisure, Logistics and Retail, for which NIC design and implement innovative, bespoke, data driven cleaning solutions. NIC place their passion to protect the planet and the environment at the heart of their operations and have set initiatives to reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions in line with climate science, and to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040.

Visit NIC Services Group Ltd

The information on this page was provided by NIC Services Group Ltd on August 10, 2023

  • Industry


  • Sub-industry


  • Region

    Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Company headquarters

    United Kingdom

The information on this page was provided by NIC Services Group Ltd on August 10, 2023