Network Archaeology Ltd.

Network Archaeology Ltd.

Join date

Nov 14, 2021

Network Archaeology is a leading single-source archaeological service with an established history of delivery on major infrastructure projects with particular expertise in power generation, energy transmission, utilities and transport. Network believes in protecting the past whilst enabling progress. The company continues to report on it’s carbon emissions, and has implemented an action plan to ensure that Scopes 1, 2, and 3 are net zero by 2040 at the latest.

Visit Network Archaeology Ltd.

The information on this page was provided by Network Archaeology Ltd. on Nov 14, 2021

  • Industry


  • Sub-industry

    Specialized professional services

  • Region

    Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Company headquarters

    United Kingdom

The information on this page was provided by Network Archaeology Ltd. on Nov 14, 2021