Emirates Post

Emirates Post

Join date

Mar 14, 2023

Emirates Post Group (EPG) is committed to working towards a green and sustainable future, in line with the United Arab Emirates’ efforts to advance international climate action. EPG has set a strategic sustainability program, commencing with measuring their production of carbon emissions. This has been initiated and they are currently measuring scopes 1, 2 and 3. Once the results are compiled, and assessed, the company will then develop a detailed roadmap to help achieve a net zero carbon emissions status by 2040.

Visit Emirates Post

The information on this page was provided by Emirates Post on June 9, 2023

  • Industry


  • Sub-industry

    Other services

  • Region

    Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Company headquarters

    United Arab Emirates

The information on this page was provided by Emirates Post on June 9, 2023