Austrian Post

Austrian Post

Join date

Apr 6, 2022

The Austrian Post Group is an international postal, logistics and service provider which is central to Austria´s economy. The company is firmly focused on the very highest quality and offers a comprehensive product and service portfolio to provide the best possible match for current customer needs. Austrian Post groups its operations into three divisions: Mail, Parcel and Logistics and Retail and Bank. Austrian Post strongly believes that sustainability needs to be at the heart of everything the company does in order for it to be fit for the futrue and sure of long-term success. The company´s integrated strategy demonstrates this belief. In addition to economic aspects, the strategy also incorporates ecological and social factors.

Visit Austrian Post

The information on this page was provided by Austrian Post on Apr 6, 2022

  • Industry

    Transportation services

  • Sub-industry

    Transportation services

  • Region

    Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Company headquarters


The information on this page was provided by Austrian Post on Apr 6, 2022